

Ys I & II
Keith Courage in Alpha Zones

Spaced Out

[Short Essays]
What is a Hacker?
How to Disable Windows Messenger Service

| (May 15, 2003)
| It's been awhile since I have updated this page and I fear that
| these "gaps" will continue to grow larger. Though, I DO have
| some good news to report. I have just graduated from college!!
| Everybody now, YEAH!!!! However, this means that you all will
| NOT be able to download anymore roms for all your happy little
| console emulators from my web site because it's not feasible
| to run an FTP server with a dial-up connection. I'm going to
| try to fix that problem now that I'm back home (the connection
| being dial-up that is). I hope no one will be disappointed.
| I just wrote another essay on how to disable Windows Messenger
| Service in case any of you are interested. Messenger Service
| is EVIL. I highly recommend that if you haven't disabled it
| already that you do so now. Also keep in mind that if you ARE
| receiving messages from solicitors over the internet, that
| means that your IP address is being distributed. I don't know
| if that means that your ISP is to blame or not, but I find it
| strange that I didn't start getting these messages until I got
| back from college. Something tells me that AOL is to blame for
| this. Rarrr... Well, I'll ketch you later. Oh, and one more
| thing! I have decided that my attempt to produce an all-ASCII
| art comic (Spaced Out) has failed! I think it sucks. I'm
| thinking of continuing with making comics, but I will be using
| GIF images from now on. I know. It's not staying true to the
| rest of this web site, but what can you do? I guess this site
| will be more Palm Pilot user-friendly than I originally thought.
| DAMN YOU PALM OS!!! DAMN YOU!!! You may have won this one, but
| as g0d as my witness, it won't be YOU who will have the LAST
| (To be continued...)
| (April 18, 2003)
| Okay, at the request of one of my friends, I have started a
| comic that is entirely in ASCII. I sort have wanted to start
| a comic for a long time now, but since I stated that
| EVERYTHING at this web site would be in ASCII, i.e. NO images
| whatsoever, and since I AM a man of my word, I decided to give
| this a whirl. You will notice that this comic is missing one
| very important feature... the punchline. This is basically just
| a test. I want to see how this works out first, then I'll
| continue if I like it. I have decided to call this comic Spaced
| Out. Why? My mind is going blank right now. I'll get back to
| you on that one later. You'll also notice that I've updated a
| lot of other things. For instance, you can now download all of
| my roms. Ya! I'll be making lots of changes without
| actually specifying what they are. Mostly, because I'm lazy.
| Later!
| (April 16, 2003)
| I have now added my first essay on this page. Please read!
| Tell me if you agree or not. My next goal is to put more MIDI
| up and to put in an e-mail section where I will post all your
| e-mails and my responses to them. I think that would be really
| cool. But for now, it's time for me to go back to work. I have
| Fourier Series and Partial Differential Equations homework,
| which I've just started but it's due tomorrow. Later!
| (April 16, 2003)
| Okay, I just got the Genesis roms page up. If anyone has
| trouble downloading any of these roms, e-mail me. Oh, and I
| have also just added my e-mail at the bottom of this page.
| Cheers!
| (April 15, 2003)
| Well I finally did it! I put up a web site so that all of you
| vintage console fans can have a place to download all of your
| favorite games and emulators to some of your favorite consoles.
| All right. So maybe this is really a place where you can
| download all of MY favorite games and consoles. Well now that
| I think about it, most of my links don't even work. But you
| can download some MIDI!!! Woo hoo! If you have never played
| Ys I & II for the Turbo Duo, I highly recommend listening
| to these MIDI. These are MY MIDI that I wrote. =D
| Though after listening to them you'll probably think that
| I don't deserve to be proud of them. Well give em' a shot.
| If you HAVE played Ys I & II for the Turbo Duo, e-mail me.
| Tell me whatya think. My e-mail is [email protected].
| So, if you are new to this site you must be wondering lots of
| things right now. For instance why the bad ass ASCII art?
| Why not use the real thing? Well, I've decided that I'm not
| not going to be using any images on this web site. Yes, that's
| right. Absolutely NO images whatsoever! Palm Pilot users,
| You must be also wondering why there is a picture of some
| anime girl when you first come here. Well, what can I say? I
| love pictures of naked women holding BLUE balls. (Notice that
| it turns red whenever you go to see her from now on.) Though
| if you are an Ys fan, you already know the question to my
| answer. Or is that answer to my question??? Whatever.
| That is an image from Ys I & II. Though I didn't capture the
| image from the Turbo Duo. Rather, I got it from the Nintendo
| version. I chose to go with it because the image was smaller.
| And you must be wondering how I drew it so well using nothing
| but ASCII text. Well I'll tell ya. ...I have too much time
| on my hands. :-( No, seriously. I wrote a nifty little
| program in C++ that reads images in raw format and converts it
| into ASCII art. It was extremely easy to write. I think I'll
| even put that up on this web site if any of you are interested.
| Well anyway, as of now the only links that work are the MIDI
| links for Ys. I'll update this site frequently to make sure
| that I get the other links to work. But right now I don't have
| too much time to spend on this site. That's why this site
| looks like it was just thrown together rather thoughtlessly.
| Because it was! I didn't even spend the time to spel check my
| work. (It's a bitch to readjust my text so that it falls within my imaginary margins. AHHH! I stepped outside the imaginary margins!!!!)
| (I know what all you computer science/engineers are thinking,
| or at least those of you with a minimal amount of education
| in the area of web page design. You're thinking, "Why are you
| such a dork? Why don't you just throw in text using regular
| HTML formatting. And why don't you have an ASCII picture of
| Ellen on your extremely GAY web site?" Well ...SCREW YOU!!!)
| So I must apologize to all of you who were hoping that you'd be
| able to download some roms. But for now, Enjoy the MIDI! =D

e-mail: [email protected]